Giving out hippos!!!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ayooo, Feb 16, 2014.

  1. terry hun, you happen to have any hippos left?
  2. Me please (imagine a monkey emoji here please as I have no emojis)
  3. Want hippos! 
  4. I need hippos for free too
  5. May I have some hippos I'm still working on my goal of 1450 still need 877 more hippos. All what's send will put me closer!!?
  6.  < I think that's a monkey? I hope you're still giving hippos that'd be really awesome, thank you for doing this for other players and in advance for me :)
  7. ?? me please 
  8. 
  9. Thanks ?
  10. Oh pleaseplease please may i have some hippos i have 100 boxes and are aiming for a higher amount ??
  11. May i please have 10 hippos?
  12. Can I have hippos please? ?
  13. Please? I'm 1104 short. I would appreciate it. ?
  14. Me ? Thank you!
  15. Me please. ?