Help each other reach hunt goal

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Deadman_Wonderland, Feb 16, 2014.

  1. So if you're like me and reached your hunt goal but aren't trying to get top collector what do you do? Try and help others, since I know most people who have reached their goal have lots of chocolates left why not help a friend or random.

    What I've been doing Is having a friend send me 10 hippos which in turn will complete 10 boxes for me. I then send those 10 boxes and another ten hippos completing 10 boxes for them making and easy 20 boxes for them in a few minutes.

    So maybe find someone who post in this thread to do this with, I would love to help but am currently doing it with others.
  2. Join my team of trained spammers, wall me if you want to help.
  3. Help me reach 3,333 OP ๎
  4. Help me reach 1450!!!!!
  5. I want to reach 800
  6. I need like 900 Hippos...
  7. I would love help I think I only have 21 boxes :(
  8. I would love help I think I only have 21 boxes :(
  9. ๎ง๎ Help me reach 1000 by sending me hippos. Please and thank ya!
  10. i would greatly appreciate any boxes or hippos sent๎–