Hippo spamming team.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Lostguy2k11, Feb 16, 2014.

  1. So here I am again, I'm here to get a group if people (around 5 people) that would help spam people that need hippos.
    If you have reached your goal and would like to help me wall me, yes I realise how hard it is to get 1450, it took me forever to get the hippos and that's why in here asking if anyone wants to get a team together that spams people that need hippos.
    Mohave a good day
  2. That's a really good idea and very generous of whoever joins. ? I know many people will appreciate it.
  3. I need hippos 
  4. I'm soo close to 1450 I have 1109 please send hippos
  5. I need hippos please
  6. Yes i am also so close. Please send me hippos
  7. I need hippos plz
  8. There's only 2 of us, as soon as I get like 5 people I will start sending to people
  9. Call it the SHST~ special hippo sending team
  10. It would be great if I'm given hippos.

    Thanks to the person who sends me hippos
  11. I need hippos
  12. I need help. Only at 660 :(
  13. Me please, and ill join team afterwards!
  14. ?I need hippos
  15. i would love to join. i just need to reach my goal first. wall me if u absolutely need me. i just am trying to gather hippos
  16. Thank you, Super Birdy 
  17. Ohhh.. I need hippos! I'll help send hippos after I get my goal. Please?
  18. Send me hippos please.