Please extend choco hunt to Feb 28

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -_-Qym_Ha-aha-a_Akahai_Olu-_-, Feb 10, 2014.

  1. Support. 4 alts 12hrs a day, half time on all parties only 350 boxes...hows a regular player 1 alt going to get 1450???
  2. Support.
    I have one account, as my soon to be husband does.
    It would be nice for this to be extended.
    1,100 looks virtually impossible to get right now with I think two drop rate increases.
  3. No Support, hurry up and end this. And stop with all these promos. Give us a lil break damnit
  4. Support. Although I'm sure ata will do plenty of promos
  5. No support 
  6. Support. 
  7. No extend
    I think ata end this hunt today night
  8. No support! They've got the top ten they wanted and the nearly top ten. 3 drops a party for me, 10 pp a day x 10 days 300 sharks. Just finish it already
  9. My bday is the 28th
  10. Nope? just work and you'll get it
  11. Look at my chocolate boxes I've made all of these just today
  12. Cat café is dropping chocolates at a good rate? no need to extend whatsoever
  13. No need!
    Cat cafe drop 75 of each!
    And payout is good so you can trade hippo for hippo
    You can easily make it 
  14. Seriously, no need. They should end it sooner ^_^. I made 500 boxes today.