
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BulletProof_Love, Feb 15, 2014.

  1. First thread, if your going to troll please dont post and just leave the thread.

    Since im not collecting boxes for myself ill be giving ALL my chocolates away. BUT theres a catch, if you send me 1 hippo ill gift 5 chocolates. 2 hippos will get you 10 chocolates. If you post on this thread but dont send hippos ill concider sending you 5, be carefull how you ask for things.
  2.  got ya Steve
  3. Will you send me some please? I'm perm silenced so I haven't been able to receive as much help. I've had to sell myself on the streets.
  4.  Perm silenced 

    After all that credit card maxing to get your stats and this how they treat you 
  5. Deadman i got yours done 
  6. I want hippos. That's all I want so i get my dns!
    I didn't get your thread at all, you give them away but you request chocolates.
  7. AIan i sent some your way bro
  8. Kaname the boxes i get go to other people, i give the person i gift the chocolates they need themselves to get their boxes.