Create a Valentine’s Day Card

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Feb 11, 2014.

  1. Really like that one! Nice job ^
  2. This is dedicated especially to Sekai
    And Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

  3. [​IMG]

    Hope that works.....!
  4. [​IMG]

    I have others coming later... Hope you like!
  5. The above poem says:

    Your green hair is amazing
    Your goggles are so cute
    Your lab coat is swoon-worthy
    And you've got big brains to boot

    People always call you weird
    But they also say it to me
    I hope you'll be my Valentine
    Cuz we'd have chemistry

    Sorry that the second one is too small and the first ones a little too big lol. :/
  6. Its a try lol <a href='' title=''><img src='' alt='' title='Hosted by' /></a>
  7. I was bored so decided to try im not creative thou lol [​IMG]
  8. Im not creative but its a try lol [​IMG]
  9. Attempt number two [​IMG]
  10. Kind of rushed, but here's my submission 

    Thank you Nick for the coding 
  11. ? i hope nothing failed!
    I'll just post the kinda poem thingy here if the pics fail.(cheesy i know. Shush. I want 100 chocolate boxes)3 pages but they're all together  sorry for the rushed drawings. Did them during QM class



  12. Ermahgerd too big
  13. [​IMG]

    for my beloved family...^_^
  14. [​IMG]



    Reposting  sorry didnt mean to spam >.< i hope it works now
  15. [​IMG]

    Sorry if the first one failed...heres for my FA family..^_^