snitches on Pimd

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ITheBeastNamedFred, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. Snitches are worthless losers on here
  2. I'm a snitcher  Bypass and Devs are being emailed 
  3. What did I bypass you noobless snitch I'll farm you with my main
  4. Wow, so hardcore of you, try it.
  5. I saw u on the other thread slayer :p
  6. Please farm me with your main
  7. Listen just please get me some food and I won't be A forum pest anymore that's all I'm asking ?
  8. Cable is silly
  9. I was laughing at the image :)
  10. I want some damn bigmacks and fries
  11. Woah I'm so scared of you little hoes
  12. Btw you must be A noob cuz FYI you make more when you hit someone 2x - 3 your stats now leave please thanks
  13. And your mom is horrible In bed
  14. I'm not a noob, I'm a vet 

    Your mom jokes..  what is this? Middle school?
  15. Ahh when will people stop being such scaredy cats and hide behind alts...