146 Free Sharks

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GrandMaster-Dan, Feb 11, 2014.

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  1. if u have any left over id be grateful for some
  2. The general publish cannot read. I cannot give to people that cannot read
  3. You don't even have any sharks 
  4. Please send one
  5. Please send me
  6. May I have some please 
  7. That Alice, is why I won't give you any .-. Because you didn't read what I said a few hours ago.
  8. ? And that is why I won't bother going back 5 pages just to see what you deigned to say hours ago.
  9. Hello  I don't know you but if you could spare me some sharks, i would really be elated and appreciative  it's very nice of you to help others 
  10. Trade shark to your chocos

    I am trading my sharks to
    1 shark for 5 bears/gorillas
    1 shark for 2 crocs

    Just wall me :)
  11. I'll take some if you get any more. Please and thank you.
  12. me please
  13. Wait, Nvm i Dont Need One, Somehow i Got 50 
  14. if you feel like gifting me I would be happy. Thank you
  15. Plz give me some its hard to get it
  16. May I have some plz
  17. Ill take some if u wanna get rid of them pls and ty
  18. I guess im too late now :(
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