146 Free Sharks

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GrandMaster-Dan, Feb 11, 2014.

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  1. may i have some pls
  2. I would like some...

  3. Can I please have some ?
  4. ?collecting for my pup and club members.
  5. I would like and appreciate some thanks
  6. i dont want any but thanks fer the offer and being so generous and giving
  7. Aww that was very kind of you to help so many wish more people were like u
  8. ? Can I have a few?
  9.  can I have some sharks please?
  10. Me too need some sharks 
  11. May i have a few please? It would be greatly appriciated.
  12. I have a FULL SET. For the coin! Plz wall me for trade :) ill take the sharks lol
  13. To those who have actually gotten the ones I sent so far, there is a reason they have gotten it above others. I'm still looking for specific kinds of statements when it comes to people asking
  14. I can also trade my NYC items for sharks 
  15. Must you always make everything a test? ?
  16. Can I have some sharks please?️
  17. ? I have nothing to trade. I couldn't send anything if I did. I don't have money. Did I mention I'm selfish and have been quite a lot of begging recently? ? I just want sharks okay!!!!  I'm a chocolate obsessed crazy person. So please for the love of all that is good in this world don't turn this into some cryptic mind game to solicit what you consider the right way to ask. ?
  18. Hmmm... I'll get you a few Alice off of Apollo 
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