Real Talk: Diets

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Captain-Jack-Sparrow3, Feb 11, 2014.

  1. Gotta lose another 10LB to pass my height and weight. I pass tape but I want to tone up a little before contracting. I want to be able to surprise my family during spring break.

    I broke my leg awhile back during a car accident, discharged due to something personal, and went into a depressed state of mind and then put on some killer crazy number pounds. Now I've lost most of it and I'm struggling to get out of the 200s... (201-204).

    Any advice that can push me over the hump? I do high intensity cardio as well as crossfit and weightlifting. I need to weigh 190 for the maximum for 72".

    I'm not fat, I'm fairly fit but I am hiding my weight somewhere and it needs to get the fuck out. This crap ain't Payin' from my rent.

    I think my problem is my diet, so if there are any actual good dieting tips, I will definitely research all of them, and probably try some on my own. This is a personal struggle for me because I used to just eat what I want..
    Now I eat like one huge meal at breakfast and I'm full for the rest of the day. I might snack before bed.

    I also have insomnia, so I stay awake, which means I'll get hungry and eat a few extra calories.

    Somebody has to have some advice?
    What tips work for you during weight loss or exercise? Lemme hear it all.

    Hate is welcome.

    Stay Frosty,
  2. I would rather think that you're under-tall
  3. Celery :D

    Jk. I just eat a tuna salad for lunch when I feel like eating "healthy" lol. Which is once a month. There's this one chick that lost a bunch of weight cuz she did nothing but eat Tuna salads for lunch. A small breakfast and small dinner. Worked for her... lol
  4. try a low-carb diet. it worked for me 
  5.  lemon water.. Some say hot water with lemon juice in the morning, but I hate it, as it makes my teeth feel awful.. Regular cold water with a dash of lemon juice is surprisingly yummy, and makes me drink more, which means I eat less lol
  6. Well my professor who is a nutritionist advised me to eat vegetables and if you're still hungry you can snack on fruits. Eat as much as you want as long as its veggies and fruits. Some people say something about eating slow, it'll make you want eat less. And drink plenty of water 30 mins before eating
  7. Ahli lemon juice wears down the tooth enamel. That's why.
  8. Lemon juice helps you to detox your body though.
  9. Try natural juices or make your own. Also go for baked instead of fried
  10. Try eating five meals a day. Also, those meals should be around the same time each time. Thus, your body won't feel the need to store up resources.
    Furthermore your last meal should be at at least 3 hours before you go to sleep.
    It worked for me.
  11. ✅iTheMechanic✅ 141kcs 46b ✅?ACTIVE TUT FOR SALE?✅
  12. 5 meals a day?

    Gtfo with that tutor shit
  13. ? eat some honey to cure your insomnia.

    Your diet should contain veggies and fruits. Try to get it every color. The main thing you have to do is ask yourself, do I really want to eat this? And try to eat 500 calories less every day.
  14. You also need to at least try to go to bed at night Logan ?
  15. • Work harder
    • Never starve yourself
    • Almond nut, Kale, Fruits, chicken breast, Vege, WATER jackfruit helps you to burn belly fats
    • try to workout instead of eating more calories
  16. 5 meals a day, make sure your meal is as big as your fist, then you can eat for every 3/2 hours, just don't starve yourself. Because if you starve yourself, your body will eat all the proteins from your muscle, and that cause you gain more weight all the best with your journey if you have any other question please wall me
  17. Do not eat low-carb!! You will have zero energy for your workouts. I recommend eating completely clean, portion control, and elimating all sugar other than natural sugars. It is a lot of work to eat clean, but the healthiest way to lose weight.
  18. Stop eating fast food, make yourself healthy. Losing weight comes down to calories in vs calories out, to lose weight you have to create a calorie deficiency either by working out more or eating less
  19. Okay so i have a vegetarian dessert when I have cravings so...

    1-2 apples
    Almond or peanut butter
    Cut the middle of the apple
    Put the peanut/almond butter in the middle
    Put chocolate if desired on the butter (i use dark chocolate)

    Vegetarian dessert 
    I really love it personally because it is filling crunchy.
  20. I don't really eat fast foods..

    Wow, you guys really came together on this. Thank you.
    I'll look more into all of these..