
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *---TEXAS_CARTEL--- (01), Feb 10, 2014.

  1. Fine, josh is a sexy toy that men use up their ass ;D

    Did I behave yet Joshy? 
  2. Spot on. Nailed it in one. I hope you produce loads of tears.. For your own sake 
  3. I'm from G-side. I'm also a lyrical genius with a mic.
  4. @ OP's username

    Jokes on you i have two dads
  5. Lmao, you have all the same avi tuts except one 
  6. That's becase I'm not racist Philly
  7. Have fun being shot at and goin to prison OP 
  8. I have contacted the gangster you are looking for ️
  9. Lmao wtf go out and meet some friends don't want none of this on here
  10. ^
  11. To get into the beanie weanies, you MUST balance a peanut on the tip of your willy for 5 mins.
  12. This is imaflirt -_-
  13. I'm in a gang. It's called he'll.
  15. I bet none of you are bout that life -.-
  16. Nope not about that life I'm about the life of taking gang members down