Valentines Day Poem

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -NiKKiMoshes-, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. [​IMG]

    Sorry if this comes out big ?
  2.  well that resize failed
  3. yes i did… like 8 days ago 
  4. ?Thats not at all relevant to this thread… unless by dropping tags Tweak has become a side chick? This thread is to give knowledge so that you won't unknowingly be that side chick?
  5. roses are red
    oh what shall I do
    there was one man behind me
    now there are two :)
  6. Must be sad to be a Side Chick.
    Though I wouldn't know about that.
    I don't do St. Valentine's Day. 
    Though even I did… I wouldn't have a Valentine. 
  7. roses are red
    violets are blue
    if god made us beautiful and gentlemen
    what happened to you???
  8. Tweak dropping tags has nothing to do with him being a side chick xD Jkjk 
    Rose .. Sammi said it on cc but you totally thought it 
  9. ?Nikkiiiii get outta my head?
  10. Rose r blooded so if u get me black roses then help me get to keep u way form work that day if blue sky out so r u