would you rather?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *---TEXAS_CARTEL--- (01), Feb 9, 2014.

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  1. Deport all the Mexicans that live here in the USA rather they were born here or not...or deport all the Justin bieber fans?
  2. I'd rather deport you to the whole you crawled out of
  3. Can u deport teenage girls?
  4. I'm against deporting citizens and minors. Neither.
  5. Is there a cut off age on the teenage girls?
  6. Then no you can't deport them. Besides, not all of JB's fans are teenage girls
  7. I personally would rather deport mexicans and maybe black thugs
  8. Why deport the Mexicans? Actual thugs, any race, I understand why
  9. Why only the black thugs?
  10. Or lets deport everyone who's ancestors aren't from here.. See how that goes over
  11. I wouldn't deport anyone because everyone deserves a chance, but I would have to say Deport the Die Hard Beliebers
  12. Exactly. If the Mexicans get deported, might as well deport Asians, Europeans, etc. Even if they only have a drop of foreign in them. Let's see how many people would still be here
  13. Like 200,000 maybe
  14. How about we just deport everybody from everywhere and everything. Everybody can go die.

    The end, happy ending.
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