But in all honesty, doesn't everyone have a booty? Are you looking for a large booty? Large bosoms? I feel everyone has this concept that bigger is better. ? Which sucks because then you have a major portion of the female population striving to have bigger titties or a bigger ass. But I guess it's the same for guys, women make a big deal about big dicks. Do every guy wants a big dick. And most guys generally wonder if their dick is big enough or long enough, thick enough, and generally always wonder what it would be like of they were a tad bit bigger. Unless of course they have huge ass anaconda dicks, then I guess they're satisfied. I guess the point I'm trying to make is, I'm secretly quite bitter about the boobs vs ass thing because I'm pretty sure I haven't got a lot of either. WHICH IS UNFAIR!!!!! ???? Dammit.