
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by _____SmeIIy----_--__, Feb 7, 2014.

  1. Too bad he's just teasing me and making fun of the fact I got dumped by someone I was never with 
  2. Be my Valentine Rachen 
  3. well, in that case.....want to hire me as a hit woman? 
  4. Rebound 
  5. What a charmer  how could you say no, raven?
  6. Raven woulda took my candy 
  7. You got dumped by someone you weren't with?
  8. Its a joke King 

    Sure Joshua but you have to share me with cherry, jackiee and jenni
  9. And tweak

    Damn Im gonna be busy ??
  10. Rachael...be my Valentine too ?please
  11. Lizzzie hell yes you're hot 
  12. Typa logic
  13. O i just wanted go know what he/she said.. I know we aren't together but I can't be with you anymore?
  14. Yessss finally a Valentine
  15. He told me I was dumped  thats all