Pun got worked up, he said so in his original post, does your "put your phone down" comment apply to him too??
You guys are probably sitting their knitting an endless quilt. You're sitting on every single word pun is saying and blowing it out of proportion. Get up and go to the bathroom and let what he said go, because for sure, what happened on a THIRD PARTY APP wont get him silenced on PimD if thats what you want. ? You might get people to not like him because of what he said, but the devs wont do jack to silence him and stuff. So please, build a god damn bridge and get over it. I'm not saying being racist is okay, but you guys wont accomplish anything hy providing him with so much hate. You people should be hated on for providing hate so i am hating on you. ?
Agreed ninja but when pun or anybody else takes it too far and makes threatening personal attacks outside of the game it should not be tolerated regardless if you personally like em or not
? FYI I do make comments of harm and threats to others when lag happens or when I am getting killed over an over again. And your mom may or may not be subjugated to those threats as well after a game of team death match
I agree Laffin, personal threats are never ok regardless if he intends to follow through with them or not.
Lol people has made personal insults all the time u guys act like u never seen them I see it all day from randoms saying oh I'm gonna kill u cut u shoot u whatever ?chill out
No it was not an insult Shelby. An insult would be your gf calling me a piece of crap because she "inferred" a remark I made in an SS to be anti military. My remarks to Hellraiser in that SS were after he sent a message to an admin calling her he N word and then sent gifts telling me my gf likes BBC and my little Asian cock couldn't satisfy her. Get your facts straight before you leap at judgement or speculation.
Did I state names in my post, Raven? Are you confused? It was a general statement directed at anyone it pertained to. Understand now? Or am I offending you? Should we make a thread about me being "mean" too. I feel like I should be singing the kindergarten baby song. We're all adults, or suppose to be. We should have learned by now that words are words. Feel sorry for those that need to insult others to feel better about themselves. Don't waste your time and life on trying to go to their level. It's counterproductive. It's a game, if you aren't having fun. It's time for a new game
Jews make good bagels. Asians are good at math. White people are rednecks Black people like watermelon. Examples of stereotypes. Also considered racism. All of you are gonna sit here and act like you never used or said stereotypes? Ill admit it I do it all the time. You guys gonna hate on me now. You guys gonna attack me? Bring it on