I agree with chris's very first post. Let's keep personal remarks out of this and play it at a different level. Everyone has their reasons to be in this sfw, no one is truely innocent here. And enough with the "personal" mod already, everyone knows Ascension also has a mod...foodlong, a mod whom i lost respect to when he posted an sf threat on wc (it never comes out good when that comes from a mod and on wc) If either side truely wants to have this thread locked...it would have been locked since beginning. So drop it, and drop the personal remarks too. Everyone is entitled to his/her opinion. Also, what is so bad about barcodes that Ascension have been denying any association with them? Have they really been acting that bad to taint your reputation?
Hmm I don't think I've ever made a person remark against anyone on here I should get a cookie for that
Im not here to insult anyone but Pun's insult about military wives does not sit well with me. Military wives are the backbone of a military family. If you have ever had friends or family in the military then you would understand this.
?and what nilla said you guys complain about taking game so serious everyone's not gonna agree On same thing whether it was bad or not ?act like it's a rl thing it's a game can do whatever and say whatever u want. ?
It's a god damn game you silly ass people everyone who is actually worked up in this needs to put the phone down and go visit the real world. "Personal" on an internet game? Give me a break. You can block anyone who you don't wish to speak to. Grow up and play the GAME. Sfw part of the game. Crying about someone hurting your feelings personal and not a part of the game
Serious Business: The trope by which an otherwise innocuous hobby becomes the center of a narrative universe. Bowling in The Big Lebowski. A Capella in Pitch Perfect. Gymnastics in Bring it On. When it comes to the point where there are threats of real life harm over a game app, the game has become Serious Business. Step back, reflect upon how much you are pouring your own psyche into a game, and perhaps consider the consequences of a life bound within the bars of a virtual prison. I'm not assigning blame nor judgment. I myself need to think upon my addiction to PIMD. But things should never have come to this point. Power and money should not have corrupted the gaming experience so thoroughly as to transcend into real life threats. That is a crime.