An Ode to Excellence

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by pimd, Feb 5, 2014.

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  1. Hail Pimd!

    We feel the need to bring this most excellent series of events to your attention.

    -EViL-iWallyAdoreJenni took it upon themselves to email support with a Riddle.

    A natural state, I'm sought by all.
    Go without me, and you shall fall.
    You do me when you spend,
    and use me when you eat to no end.

    What am I?

    Support tried valiantly,

    At first we were like:
    But then we got it.

    Now we put the challenge out to you fine people.
    Can you get it?
    Do you have any other awesome riddles to share?

    As for -EViL-iWallyAdoreJenni ,
    we present you with this coveted award:

  2. Lol First post
  3. 
  4. Was the badge made on paint?
  5. I love how you guys have a great sense of humor
  6. It looks like it lost guy 
  7. 
  8. Money? P.s that kitten is adorable (∩_∩)
  9. Wally dick rides ata
    They return the favor 

    Im not hating
  10. The hell :|
  11. Ohhhh It took me like 20 times to try and understand the riddle but I think I finally understand it
  12. 
  13. 
  14. This almost made me laugh on the inside
  15. I don't understand it :(
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