Cures for a Cold?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by FallenAngel12321, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. ?As of right now, I know two things:
    1. I'm in so much pain that all I can do is lay here and alternate between sleeping and going on my phone
    2. Everyone's going to die someday and I think my time is today
    I need help.? Any suggestions? I took medicine and stuff.
  2. If you're having sinus pain I suggest a heating pad  drink lots of liquids and have some soup if you can
  3. Thanks, I'll try that.
  4. drink lots of tea it helps or if it's that bad u should see a doctor
  5. I'm a bit melodramatic >.> I will if it keeps up for a while
  6. What's your problem actually hun? Do you have throat pain? Or blocked nose? I'll tell you what to do.
  7. My throat really hurts, I have a mild fever, lightheaded, coughing, and my muscles feel really weak at times?
  8. Wait it out.

    Early last year, i had one huge ass fever (first time I was I'll in years) cold, vomit and everything. I just lay sprawled out for like 4 days before I went to see the doctor. That was one of the best choices I made. 

    There's nothing you can really do.
  9. Death can be a cure...
  10. Those are symptoms of an average cold, I'm pretty sure google could help out more than pimd. And Web MD is good. You put in your symptoms and it tells you what you might have.
  11. That's a bit extreme
  12. That was at bacon. And yeah, I was wondering if people just had their own little remedies that helped.
  13. Take a warm and long shower please. It'll help for your fever. If your fever is gone you should drink sage tea or lemon and honey mixed as tea. It'll be good for your throat. Drink lots of water also. If you feel week please sleep a few hours then eat things if you can.
  14. Thanks I'll go do that then sleep again.
  15. You're welcome if your fever is not gone you can take a medicine for it. ️
  16. And do not forget to eat orange. You'll need Vitamine C. ️
  17. Steps to having a cure from the cold
    Step one: Give me a 100 bil dv
  18. Feel better sweetie!