Things BCS say/do in wars

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -CABLE-, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. BCS started as a way for bc's to complete pro parties.. So freaking many wanted to join that they made another club, and another, and now there are many.. While they all have the BCS name, they are run mostly independently. Not all members are bc's either (Junior has all sizes).

    Sooo.. Most were bc's when pro parties came out in March last year.. Regular parties only came out 7 months before that.. You think they bc'd from those regular parties?

    Yes, you guys have given them a bad name because the CHOOSE to party, make money and collect items.. As you defend YOUR choice to war, hit off BL, straight out farm, or sfw..

    Funnily enough, BCS is one of few VIP clubs that would accept most people without question.. And that makes them noobs and cowards? Really?
  2. why jealous?
  3. Well this thread was supposed to give people laughs, but as usual people get butthurt and are so uptight and they take it all to heart ruining the thread.
  4. what jake said is 100% right , bcs talked crap aboyt bad so i wanted to have some harmless fun back so you robots who cant laugh leave the thread
  5.  All 500 members?
  6. BCS declares war, causes drama, then before war start they all leave and now it's a pwar..
  7. ?im totes jealous. I never get party drops?
  8. Im bcs and i wouldnt say that 
  9. I dont think bcs are noobs and yes they might not have war experience or only some do but they will beat your butt and personally i wouldnt mess with them prob because oh idk they have 3-4 clubs in the top 10, one of them being the first, they went the right direction no matter what you think because once your that big it only takes to spread around and make allies to be "monopolize" and be unstoppable
  10. Ive farmed so many bcs admins lol and ive never seen help from there club or sub clubs
  11. I just hope bcs starts farming everyone who talks smack about them on pimd..

    Took what 3-4 clubs just to handle ascension and they're nowhere near as big
  12. riseoftgedarkness, ur paragraph reads like manny...just saying
  13. I still don't understand shortening words only 3-5 letters long ?
  14. 
  15. dont think bcs would do that, party promos are too tempting. Say im making fun or mocking, but its the truth
  16. I thought dis was a pwar lah 
  17. His thread is misleading...you're gonna make ppl think that BCS actually war rather than declare then talk mess for hours then all run an hour before confrontation...

    ️Peace, love, and naked rabbits ️