The Mistake Pt2.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Oox-Zoe-xoO, May 24, 2011.

  1. Awwwhhhh ty jod 
    is pure awesomeness. Smithaaaayyyy ;) x
  3. Conner

    Is pure Badman.

    Please don't Shank me 
  5. Danzo

    Is pure ninja...
  6. No more? :cry:
  7. Hardcore Chrissey in jail. 
  8. "SUP!!" I shouted at Conner across the table as I sat down
    "jeeze chris Its been too long man" Conner said smiling
    "alie" I said smiling back "so how's things going with my size?"
    "aw bruv" Conner said leaning back in his chair his smile widening "amazing, I don't want anybody else but her"
    "that's good then" I said laughing a little bit "ok let's cut the chit chat, why are you here?"
    "ah always the blunt one chris" Conner said leaning forward again placing his hands on the table
    "well?" I asked slightly irritated
    "I need you to get a message to all the gang members in here and it seems like your the only one I can trust right now"
    "what message?" I said staring into his eyes intrigued
    "you're all getting out. Soon" he whispered staring back.
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  12. *breaks down prison door* there I'm out..