Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iCoppedAPhilOnDeez-BAD-Girls, Feb 4, 2014.

  1. So these are my demands, not the clubs 

    If we win, you guys disband, drop tags, and call me master.. Oh and I want a Charlie the unicorn.. But there's no more . Find a way to get me one .

    If we lose, well, I'll consider a cf.

    Now I demand a list of all bcs members from 5kcs-110kcs.. So I could hit ?
  2. Wait, if they lose they gotta do all that stuff, so if
    U guys loose you have to do the same, Don't you?
  3. Phil you dick!

    Minus the master and Charlie part I said those
  4. Pic or it didn't happen cam 
  5. phil
  6. You changed ca I didn't ss!
  7. All I see is excuses, you should be

    iCamAm-BAD-AtExcuses :p
  8. I made your name for you and you did it. Only fair I do yours too right?
  9. Why bcs isn't coming here?
    They make themselves look tough on their thread but they seem to be scared to reply here.
  10. Actually dey themselves look even more like cowards and dey yet to even reply on their own thread