Looking for an active tutor

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -Rui-, Feb 3, 2014.

  1. I'm looking for a tutor that is active(Under 1b) Just wall meThanks!
  2. This stuff is meant for Campus. Not forums
  3. Im just a small amount over 1 bil
  4. Hire me though 
  5. I'm an active Tutor. 
  6. Sry. I don't have any speakers.
  7. Im an active pupil 
  8. Hes a crayon
  9. Requested lock.
  10. Una-C is active 

    Yes, C
  11. Hire me :)
  12. SMACK DAT
  13. ?Why not locked yet..
  14. actually he or she can post this type of stuff wherever he or she wants. some people think they own forums.
  15. because jigglypuff is singing…
  16. Active…
  17. Wow op can post wat ever he/she wants so get over it