Stabbed by a fork

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by __Spitfire__, Feb 3, 2014.

  1. I was stabbed by a fork. This fork is about 1'2. I was eating ramen noodles straight out the cup and I decided to stab my cup not thinking of the consequences.
    I stabbed by cup with all my might it had hit my hand just before I stopped, now you can see a hole in my hand........
  2. I have no life, I need friends also. Please help me be social in real life and give me guides to making friends
  3. ouchy!

    Did you blacken your ramen noodles?
  4. 1: Be attractive

    2: Don't be unattractive
  5. And this is why one eats ramen with chopsticks 
  6. I did not blacken the ramen because my sis made it and thank you Una.... Chopsticks are to hard to use.
  7. I learned how to use chopsticks before any other utensil  and I'm Mexican  go figure I guess
  8. I am a European, forks are easier to use since we can grasp a large amount of ramen.
  9. I always wonder what idiot first thought that the best way to eat small grains of rice and slippery noodles was two sticks. Any other utensil would have been a better choice.
  10. i eat noodles with fork… but i would try it with chopsticks sometime…

    :cry: i just feel like with chopsticks… it will just fall off
  11. Please post a picture. Hmmmp.
  12. why do you want to see? What are you gonna do check it for an infection?
  13. Lol that sucks as for you Mr.Shoe why do you wanna see a hole in someone's hand? that's pretty gruesome and nasty man
  14. i like ur name ifarmurgrandmother :D
  15. It seems like something nice. Hmmp.
  16. I only eat pretty much everything with chopsticks.