
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Diana5449, Feb 3, 2014.

  1. I'm giving dv to newbie just comment 'me' 
  2. Me. Imma super noob
  3. Indeed, kitty
  4. you
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  5. Me because T5 is expensive 
  6. He said Newbie not noob. You can dv ME. If you like. Im gonna blow the money wisely
  7. I'm sorry Bacon_Man you wouldn't know the cost of T5 unless your someone's alt ?
  8. ^ or unless someone told him, or unless he unlocked the dorms required to see T5

    Either way

  9. 10B  try 20B to hold only 2 freaking people and 9B just to upgrade they both cost 20B each and that my friend isn't that fast to Rack in
  10. I dunno, 10B was pretty easy to get once I was like 160-200Kcs
  11. When I saw the prices of how much it costed to upgrade t5, I got a heart attack.

    Op is delivering 
  13. I recommend unlocking the 1B dorm and the 5B dorm then you place T5's LVL 1

    ^ I'm gonna do THAT AGAIN
  14. Okay we'll I'm not 160-200Kcs yet Mr.Spit  damn if it so damn easy why aren't you doing it damn