"weird" habits

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Ghastly, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. Kitten, why don't you imagine cats boxing?
  2. I have a cat, it's just not in my area code probably.
  3. I'm not forum famous why does everyone think I'm forum famous?
    I'm allergic to cats I hate cats
  4. You don't have to come into contact with cats to imagine them boxing
  5. I saw a cat playing a piano on YouTube. Silly cat, you can't play the piano only humans can. And monkeys if they are trained to
  6. Why imagine cats when u could imagine dogs that's just so animalist (racist in a animal reference ) lol I'm bored don't judge me
  7. HAHAHAHAHA silly cat! Pianos aren't for cats! Pianos are for people
  8. Ok well not sure if these are weird exactly but:
    -When I sleep I need to be completely covered in blankets, like I do not want to see my dark room. It's just like this irrational fear that I'm going to see someone staring back at me and I'd rather not.
    -Going along with the first, for those that watch anime this should make sense. In case I do see someone, I have a tiny replica of Yachiru's zanpakto (so like a tiny sword) under my pillow at all times. It has a little sheath and is relatively sharp 
    -And lastly, all the food on my plate, this goes for every meal, must be separate. And I don't mean like they can be right next to each other, I mean my mashed potatoes cannot touch the vegetables or else I will lose it. And if they do touch, my OCD will kick in and I will sit there and scrape off the potatoes from the veggie  Well I guess these do make me relatively weird >_>
  9. Sasha those are some weird habits 
  10. Why separate your food  did you know all types of ingredients that are food (of course) make your food  there isn't a point to separate it that's like getting a hotdog but you can't eat it because you separated the bun ?
  11. I sometimes eat my hotdogs without buns 
  12. That's not a hot dog that's just a sausage covered in mustered
  13. ?I don't think I have any. I walk around the house barefoot? Lmao I have no idea
  14. I also walk around the house barefoot 
  15. I eat until I feel sick ? 
  16. Occasionally, I'll go to the gym at bizarre times.
  17. OP thanks for replying to my pm ?
  18. You sent me a pm? 
  19. I talk to my dog and tell her shes cute
    i also nails when im bored
  20. Lmao 