ok idk if this is weird, but I turn my plate as I eat. Like I don't wanna reach across my plate to eat something on the other side...so I just turn my plate
I only realized I was doing it when my daughter started copying me. I am sure I have a reason in my subconscious...like not making a mess but idk. Also, I clean and stack all the plates when I go out to eat to make it easier for the waitress. Unless she doesn't refill my drink...then I leave my kids' messes where they are. ?
I give a tip to a shitty waiter/waitress by outing the tip in the drink faced down making it hard to get
I think you need some sleep, maybe a few years of PIMD therapy. You want me to get my buddy, who's a trained PIMD therapist to help you?
Imagining cats playing with yarn. Imagining cats boxing. Be an inconvenience by putting the empty milk jug in the fridge. And finally being awake.
I just found out another habit ... When I chew gum like juicy fruit or winter fresh I take the wrapper and peel the shinny part of I do it everytime
Listen honey, I'm trying to help you out... Your family is concerned about you becoming Forum Fame Crazy. I want to help you cause I love you and I like kittens. They are so cute because they are lost in this world and they are the so small