"weird" habits

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Ghastly, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. Cream corn looks like vomit to me. I think that is why I don't like it. Ohhhh and when I run outside, I prefer to run in the dark. Then I make myself believe someone is after me to make me run faster. 
  2. You rp shadow is always chasing you
  3. Your shadow is always chasing you ****
  4. I have a lot like for example
    •Answering questions with questions especially when I'm nervous
    •Opening the Oreo cookies and eating the cream first
    •Playing this game like every day
    •Bite my lip
    •Sing in the shower
    •Make faces in the mirror every time I pass by one (i know weird)
    •Ignore people when they talk for like 5 min straight
    •Sleep against the wall and face the door so no one can surprise me at night lol
    •Sleep without a bra lol
    •Let my phone ring twice before I answer
    •Play GTA and try to get as many cops I can to follow me
    •Eat the frosting first off a cake
    And much more but it's all I can think of as of now don't judge me I know y'all do something I mentioned as well haha
  5. Sleep without a bra ???
  6. Lmao I make weird faces in the mirror too and then I get angry because wow I'm very disgusting looking 
  7. Will you marry me?️?
  8. good I'm not the only one who does that haha
  9. Lmfao baking man haha 
  10. Oops bacon man
    Which reminds me I tend to make a lot of typos and double post in cc lol
  11. Lol she said baking 
    I never wear a bra
    Like right now I'm not wearing one 
  12. Sleeping with out a bra 
    I do the mirror thing especially in public weirdest looks
  13. Can I marry you too Kittens?
  14. I love to make music videos in my head too. Since I was little, I been putting ketchup on my meals except soup...well there was this one time. I also speak to my pets in squeaky voices I have lots of different voices  they love it! 
  15. Speak to my dead fish, haven't heard from him.
  16. Wait....are we supposed to sleep in a bra? 
  17. Lmfao idk I don't legends say it's bad for yur circulation lol
  18. No you're not suppose to sleep with a bra because you can get rashes from it.
  19. I am always running late in the mornings so I usually make myself some oatmeal and put it in one of those disposable coffee cups to eat on the bus. I also can never find a plastic spoon at my house so I end up eating it with a plastic fork. Once when I found a spoon, it felt weird eating it with a spoon so now I eat my oatmeal with a plastic fork and disposable coffee cup on early mornings.
  20. I sleep naked, I just have undies floating around my waist area