"weird" habits

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Ghastly, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. I love how I'm not the only weird person in this game
  2. When I eat pizza I eat I eat the crust first :p not very weird I guess..
  3. Nah there's plenty of weird freaks out there 
    Maybe they're just too embarrassed to admit it? Or maybe they're unaware?
    I'm fully aware of the freak that I am
    And quite frankly I'm proud that I'm not some normal basic person ️
  4. Normal people are boring people
  5. Steve I do that with cheese filled crust 
  6. ?I mix my peas or corn with my mashed potatoes. Ohhh and I like to eat pudding without a spoon. The spoon gives it like a metallic or plastic taste that makes it gross. Hmmmm what else? I yell at traffic around me so bad that my daughter is starting to tell my mom how bad the drivers in my town are....and she is only 3.
  7. I don't I do it with normal crust :D
  8. Lmao Lizzie I don't eat pudding with a spoon either. 
    And I only mix cream corn with my potatoes
    It tastes like heaven 
  9. lol I don't like cream corn at all 
  10.  why not?
  11. I dont like people
  12. Bacon man do you like me?
  13. I don't like you
  14. I love you️️️?
  15.  I love you too
  16. Imma loner
  17. Just don't tell Jennifer Aniston, I plan on marrying her any day now.
  18. When I get Nervous I pick at my right thumb till it's raw:/ only my right thumb oh oh and I to walk around on top of my bed before falling asleep. Is tht weird?
  19. I walk on my kitchen counter cause I feel like it... I also have to buy my father a new kitchen counter
  20. Lmao bacon man wtf.