As you should know by now I, Bacon_Man, have been running for the PARTY IN MY DORM office. I am glad to announce that I have married Psychotic-Satanic-kittens, who will be known as the First Lady of Bacon or The Goddess of Bacon. We will work together in doing nothing but going on forums, this will take long nights(not to long, my bedtime is at 9) and many days for this to happen. We will give out Bacon to all the people, and if they are vegetarian we will give them a Potato with my face on it. Bacon for PIMD president I will do nothing for the people and that's a promise. Also vote for Spitfire as Leader of the world. This messaged has been approved by: Bacon_Man Psychotic-Satanic-kittens Spitfire Gift me DUMPLINGS- They will be used as a sign of peace. When we encounter aliens like my pupil.
Bedtime at 9o'clock? Wuahahahahahaaaa.... Now im wondering myself about how old r u.. No.. Dont tell.. Cos its against ToU.. Hahaha