This thread will be about pokemon. I don't care what you think. It will actually be about Episode 21: Bye Bye Butterfree, where Ash released his Butterfree to mate it with a pink Butterfree. Pink Butterfree are the shiny form of a normal Butterfree, and it is actually the very first shiny pokemon in the tv series. Also. Ash's Butterfree is one of his first pokemon that he caught as a Caterpie when he first set out on his journey. And never again was it seen in the series. Why? Could it be that it was simply forgotten? Could it be that it doesn't want to go back? No. In the episode, it starts off with Ash and friends walking and shit. And they're on their way to Saffron City. Ash notices a flock of Butterfree in the distance. Brock tells him that the Butterfree are beginning to mate. The group then magically acquires a hot air balloon and fly towards the Butterfree. Ash let's out his own Butterfree to mate but is actually rejected by almost everyone. Other trainers then come to release their own Butterfree at this point to mate with the flock. Ash and his friends cheer up his Butterfree and soon it see's a pink Butterfree. More rejection. Ash's Butterfree flies off in sadness. So Ash and his friends go search for Butterfree and they eventually find it in a forest. This time, they discuss different ways to get Butterfree to mate with the pink Butterfree. They try again to mate with the pink Butterfree. MOAR REJECTION. Aftwards, Team Rocket then shows up in a helicopter and being the dicks they are, they take every Butterfree in sight. Except Ash's of course. Team Rocket runs off with Ash in pursuit. Ash and friends find Team Rocket in an abandoned warehouse and break in. The Butterfree are released thanks to Ash's Butterfree and Team Rocket chases them in the helicopter. I CALL HACKS. By this time, the pink Butterfree is impressed with Ash's Butterfree. Good. This is good. This is progress. ON WITH THE BABY MAKING. Just kidding Team Rocket tries to catch all the Butterfree once again using the same method. With a giant net, Again, HACKS. Butterfree and Pikachu then team-up and Pikachu jumps onto the helicopter and destroys it with an electric attack causing Team Rocket to plummet into a dark chasm that they should not have survived. But they're okay in the next episode. HACKS, I SAY. /ban TeamRocket. [You do not have access to this command.] Dammit. The pink Butterfree is now in love with Ash's Butterfree and now they are dating. Pretty much. For mating reasons, the Butterfree's must cross an ocean to mate. So Ash releases Butterfree and cries like bitch. Just kidding, but yes, he is sad. And cries. Insert memories and flashback and shit. End of episode pretty much But! In life, after a butterly (Butterfree) lays it'soffspring, it dies. A caterpillar (Caterpie) spends most of their lives eating vegetation so that they may spin themselves into a caccoon (Metapod) and spend 3-4 weeks “evolving” into a butterfly (Butterfree). After it turns into a butterfly, the butterfly lives for about 3 weeks. So in reality, Ash's Butterfree is dead. Lie Down Try not to cry. Cry alot. Goodbye Childhood!
You are amazing.... Pokemon lovers for life. I still have my Pokemon pajamas that I wear to bed every night
Beautify has the same transformation as a butterfree ? wurmple, silcoon, then beautifly According to the episode I watched Aaron released his caterpie when he was around 10ish and it was still around as a beautifly some years later so if we're going by that timetable butterfree is hopefully still alive with his family of caterpies
I was up at 6 a.m. to watch that episode when it first aired. . And cried. . Never told anyone. . And. . Now after reliving that sad moment. . You've opened my eyes to something much worse. . (Don't let em see you cry. . Don' let em see you cry )
The first Pokemon movie: Mewtwo strikes back, makes me cry every time. Even now as I watch it on YouTube, I can't help it. xD I think The Celebi one might make me cry too. d: