"PIMD" couples

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BigHer0, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. Anyway I'm going to talk to the boothang until he falls asleep.  have a good one y'all.
  2. These girls are hilarious. Yes fall blindly in love...the floor is hard when you land.
  3. Probably....

    Also me and my bf haven't even said "I love you" because we don't rush things.....

    he did say "I wuv you" ?too cute.

    And honestly I don't know what's in store for the future.... But I'm looking for it.

    John, stop giving a crap about couples and worry about yourself.. K? I'm sorry your life is so bad to judge us.
  4. How many pimd relationships have you people been anyways? Lol
  5. Ps: I DONT MEAN TO OFFEND ANYONE, IF I DO THEN TELL ME, in the future I might wanna offend YOU AGAIN
  6. Maybe I'm just shallow, but to have a relationship like that with somebody I'd need some physical connection.

    I'd assume what spit said was true 99% of the time if it were me, I'm negative though.

    But with that being said.. I loved and still do love people from here who I'd give both kidneys and a heart to if needed, just not in that way. So I guess I could see how people could feel that way under the right circumstances, but not me.
  7. In the end, like most things, it comes down to a personal opinion.

    Since it's a sensitive subject for some, personal opinions will be seen as insults. Sending and receiving, we all gotta keep that in mind. One of pimd's biggest issues imo, can't disagree on anything.
  8. You have friends online you develop connections you love someone blah blah blah

    Doesn't make it any less real.

    People who diagnose relationships as "it has to be this way?"
    Are notoriously close minded and ignorant. Don't worry there's no use arguing with them they'll always believe what they want to until eventually they find someone worth more then their hand. Anyway, 
  9. Also, John.... I'm NOT in Love..... But I can't say it will not happen though....

    Keep your nose out of peoples relationships and stop thinking you know everything when clearly you don't... You can't tell people what they feel, believe or anything like that. You aren't them so take your high horse out of their life and stop trying to act like you actually know crap.

    You just look like an ass who is probably pissed off cause your relationship didn't work out or is falling apart. Stop being so judge mental Oh wait..... How do you know they are cheating? Do you stalk peoples Bfs in real life?

    If you answered I don't and no, then shut up cause you are just assuming crap.

    If you answered I do and yes, You're stalking people and that's creepy...... As hell

    Face the truth Hun..... Your view isn't always correct.
  10. Look she is all worked up. Lol. My job is done. Bye all.
  11. Well I had my saying in this!

    ️have fun people,
  12. I'm not worked up at all, you're just pathetic Hun. ;)
  13. why is he pathetic? Just because he's not in a pimd relationship?
  14. Or because he doesn't agree with you? 

  15. I adore how spit used ignorant in it's actual use 

  16. He's pathetic for 1) saying they aren't real
    2) assuming OOO everyone in an online relationship cheats on their loved on....

    And he's not pathetic for not agreeing with me.
    Sorry, but his opinions don't account for ALL relationships.

  17. So, he's pathetic for stating his opinion?

    Oh okaii.

  18. Nice thread alice
  19. Spit, like I said... His Opinion DOESNT apply to all Relationships... So he really shouldn't be acting like it does.

    And Alice, are you're talking about Sage that dated 00_lex?