
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -NiKKiMoshes-, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. Sooo.. He told me I had to get all of active topics to be threads asking him to stay.. Someone already did one before me .. I was gonna be first but it was the day pimd kicked a bunch of people off..

    I agree that it should be his choice to stay.. But here ya go Wally. You're a buttmunch to some people, but you're nice to me so eh you bully those that bully others and you don't lie. You state your opinions with no cares given to what other people may or may not think.
    You should either stay or dv me all of your money.. Those are your only two options

  2. WALLY
  3. Stay, dude. It'd be much appreciated.
  4. No direct disrespect to Wallace, as I don't know him.

    To me, 90% of the goodbye threads are for attention, or to see what people would say. Asking other people to make them for you is even worse, and I don't see a difference between this and just repetitive spam.

    My pointless 2 cents 
  5. Wallace needs to stay 
  6. Rex your club doesn't like me 
  7. Yeah he not going no where. Thx for beggin for lots of attention. You are waste of space here. But sadly dis is all you have. Waiting for your next reason to stay lol
  8. This dude  perfect.
  9. you seem pretty cool
  10. Please don't leave. Please. I got my old name back
  11. Quick everyone farm wally
  12. Wait.. We farmin him now! I'm down for that
  13. ?I'm farming him
  14. He isn't going anywhere, so don't let him fool you lol.