
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ItalianaJenni, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. So I'll try to make this short and sweet, but since it's by me, we all know damn well it won't be =)

    Wallace wanted a thread made to try and convince him that he shouldn't leave the game. Why the hell would anyone do that? Well I sure as hell can't. I feel that if someone wants to leave, then they should. Especially since there are so many that take this game too serious, and actually should quit. Anyways, I feel it should be their decision though, and not changed because of someone else, so I personally couldn't ask someone to stay.

    What I can say though, is Wallace is a wonderful person, and liked by many of people. So, I know there are many of people that would like for him to stay instead of quit. The forum definitely wouldn't be the same without you being around to be a smartass. =) You're loved by many, and would definitely be missed. Plus, people would get bored and not have someone to farm or bug. 

    Now organize my damn war! 
  2. If he leaves I'm blowing his phone up with text messages
  3. Good thread BTW lol
  4. Good Thread :)
  5. Awe thank you jenni :) means a lot. You are an amazing friend and I did not expect this thread seems how you were pretty adamant about not making one. 
  6. Wallace is a cool giy definitely should stay
  7. Well duh. I wasn't going to just tell you that I would lol. 
  8. Wally don't leaveI'll miss you too much
  9. Wally dont leave mate i dont know you well but as much as i know your cool people and a good cow in war
  10. Jealous deadly? Second thread you posted on that was about her and I.