I always win and you know it. =). She is no one, just someone who needs to get attention from someone. That's why she feels the need to comment when no one is talking to her. Also why she came to this thread trying to start something, so she could get someone to acknowledge her. Just ignore her, she clearly isn't anyone worth caring what she has to say.
I'm not picking a fight with anyone worth watching. I'm no one? Last time I checked you don't know anything about me. So get your facts before you judge k? I'm not going to disrespect Jenni cause I don't know her but all I asked was a simple question. She could have simply said she wasn't talking to me. But she used that comment I made to make her self feel like she's doing sonething important. And its not especially not on a game. My battery is dying please post comments on my wall and I will reply as soon as possible
Now someone put the fire under Wallace's ass to organize my damn war. The ladies and men can wait for you to RP with them after the war.
I'm in the war. Not sure on the side yet. Both have people I'd love to see in my newsfeed I respond well to Zolt Cola bribes