beeby go volunteer at a zoo with me, i used to do it in hs. i once had to dress up as a giraffe in the summer
Why would u take ur kids for granted just because ur at home with them I don't understand ? I love being home with my lg we do new things all the time and she's constantly learning don't get me wrong I miss work and I'm not one of those people that are happy to be on benefits for the rest of my life but looking after a young child is different. But like u say u have not done that so it's hard for u to truly understand
Looks like the conversation is moving away from jobs. Anyway, I'm an English tutor. And just English. No "After-School Specials"
I would choose James Bond to be my partner if another assassin tried to kill me. That way I could use James Bond as a human shield.
Some jobs I wanna do is work at a zoo, a restaurant, and a guitar store just so I can see the kinda of people that walk in haha
I'm looking at getting into youth work. Help troubled teens get on the right track and organize community events to give them something to do. At the moment I'm running my own automotive photography company shooting cars etc.
I'm an accounts assistant dealing with the purchase ledger side of the business. It's honestly soul-destroying! But I have the most wonderful boss and co-workers who have been there for me through a lot. I don't think I would have gotten through the last 6 months without them.