Does everlasting love exist?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PassionRENAMED, Jan 26, 2014.

  1. You know those times you're deeply in love with someone and that person tells you he/she will love you forever?
    I wonder how many times that's true. How many do people say it just out of habit? How many people really mean it?

    I believe that if you truly love someone, a part of you will love this person no matter what happens. If that person hurts or betrays you, you may get furious and think you'll hate him/her for the rest of your life; but actually you won't. If you truly love a person, there will always be at least a tiny part of you that will always love them.

    If you continue having feelings of love for that person deep in your heart after everything you've gone through together, then you're really capable of loving someone forever.

    The same goes with admiring people. In my life, there were many people I have admired at some point. No matter if they were friends or lovers, and aren't a part of my life anymore, I'll continue to admire them. Even if they hurt me or made me wanna die, there will still be a part of me that will admire them. After all, there was a reason why we were lovers or best friends. There was something about them I really admired and I don't think people can change those characteristics.

    Okay, so I guess you can figure out if you can love someone forever. But is it possible to know if that person really means it when he/she says, "I'll love you forever?"

    I don't think so. There's one thing people are good at and that's lying. Everybody lies. Some people are just better at it than others. You can't trust people and you can't stop a liar from lying.

    All you can do is hope that when your darling tells you, "I'll love you forever" it's not a lie.

  2. The Passion was really in this
  3. Awe. I hope that there'll be someone who's really capable of loving me forever.
  4. If you stop injecting...
  5. sometimes people say that they'll love you forever because that may be their intentions. if it doesn't last forever, I don't think that he or she lied necessarily. sometimes people confuse loving someone and being in love with someone. there's a difference. now there are people who say they will love you and in actuality they were infatuated. I guess to answer your question, I don't think you can ever know. you just have to trust and believe.
  6. Sometimes its probably best to not even try working that out..
    Live in the moment and enjoy it 
  7. It was funny actually Torturer.

    I hope you do Enjected. 

    No I'm talking about being in love Butterfly. But thanks for your point. But sometimes people breaks other's hearts for fun.
  8. Sure, if he has a never ending cash flow.
  9. I meant it when I said it. She apparently did not.
  10. I personally can't go throwing those words "I love you" around without meaning it.
    Some people obviously can.. I guess you just gotta hope theres meaning to it.
  11. Irem
  12. People have such misguided notions of love. They confuse it with the elated romantic feelings and presume in the high of that moment that it's endless. It's wonderful to be in touch with that blissful eternity.

    But love is work, effort, patience and understanding... And most people are too buried in shallow Nicholas Sparks garbage mythology. They presume forever based on the kiss at the end and don't think of 10-20 years later... Because almost no one watching has made it to that other side.
  13. I know what you mean Passion. many people do hurt others for the fun unfortunately.
  14. Love is just a game and there are no winners
  15. This is funny and interesting.
  16. Well said again wifey 
  17. The first guy I ever loved is now married to someone else and they have a kid together. I don't talk to him anymore, has a lot to do with his wife disliking me for being his ex, but I still feel he has a part of my heart.....even if it is a smaller piece. I loved him and I still do. Guess you do t forget your first love very easily.
  18. Love can be difficult but friendship lasts forever️
  19. Interesting thread