Paradise Lost

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by AaronRodgers, May 26, 2011.

  1. Sweetness!!!!!!!! 
  2. The days turned to weeks, and the weeks to months, Eric was gonna spend the rest of his life, rotting in prison. The evidence that made the verdict guilty was that Eric was trying to get John drunk, so they crash and kill John, making it look like an accident... It was ridiculous. The noise in the cafeteria was loud, Eric was sitting at a table all alone, "Day 47..." he whispered this under his breath, the weeks in prison have actually improved his fitness, to calm him down when he was sad or angry, he would go lift weights, or find someone to pick a fight with, he already has broken a couple bone and has fresh scars.
    There was a loud rushing noise, Eric looked around to find all the officers running to the front.. There was a large crash, and a big boom, gun fire rung out, just handguns, but then there was a noticeable sound of minigun... "What the f*ck!" the cafeteria was now a large rush of panicked inmates. A giant, heavily armored van drives through the nearest wall, a man steps out, he's gripping an ak47, "Rhodes, get over here!" Eric ran for the van and jumped In and saw familiar faces, first one he saw was Shelby and then her brother Justin, "Hey mate." Justin said towards Eric. "Whats going on?!?" Eric was in fear, he knew that they were all skrewed if they were planning on breaking out a "murdered". "What do you think?" the sarcasm in justins voice brought back memories of a better time. "here take this..." he handed Eric a m16, "kill anyone that doesn't look friendly!"
    Eric puked at the thought of this, and blacked out...
  3. AND KILL!!
  4. Yay!!I get a ak-47!Good job!
  5. Eric awoke, soked in sweat, he looks up and sees Shelby, he has never realized how beautiful she was till now. He looked left, then right, to his left sat a minigun, just sitting on a large table mounted to the van, to his right was Justin looking down on him, he was smiling. "It's always great to know that your still alive."
    "What the hell happened back there?" Erics voice was hoarse and dry.
    "We broke you out of prison...." Justin starts to look concered "Did they rott your brain In the bighouse?" he was smiling, good ol' happy Justin, Eric smiles back and then sits up, he started to feel dizzy, everything was blurry, and then he saw John, standing above him with a big cheesy grin. "Your dead." Eric reached towards the face, only to find Shelby, "I'm obviously not dead." she was smiling, Eric pulls his hand back, and looks down at his feet, "Wait a second, when did I change clothes?" Eric was shocked to find himself wearing jeans and a t-shirt, nothing like the orange jumpsuit he was wearing. Justin and Shelby laugh in unison

    "two hours away guys!" a voice calls this from the front.
    "Who's that?" Eric never heard that voice before. "His name is Danzo, a friend of mine." Justin just doesn't know when to stop smiling. Eric looks again at the minigun... "Where the f*ck did you get that?!?" Eric smiled at it, lightly running his hand over it. "I got my conections, good ol' black market." Justin seemed to pride over this beautiful weapon, "Maybe later we can fire 'er up."
    "Wait, Danzo said we're two hours away, away from what?"
    "We are going to a little place where we will all be safe, it's a big compound in the Rockies... It's safe and secluded." Justin looked straight into Erics eyes, Eric could see that Justin was worried for him, but why?
  6. Oo very good damien cannot wait for the next part, has me yearning for more!!!
  7. Lol i will update once or twice a day, this is my second, I want my fans begging fir more
  8. Lol you are great writer!
  9. Thanks, I write what comes to mind
  10. 
  11. I'll try to fit as many people in as possible, I promise
  12. But I won't promise you will like your character, I will just have to manipulate your character how ever I like
  13. The compound was huge, giant cement walls surrounded it, snipers up I'm towers, and two men at the gate with ak47s... It was cold up here, yet comforting all at once. "Welcome to The Villa... It's a beauty eh?" the entire group was standin inside and Justin had his arms raised high, "The cafeteria is there, the housing is there, and the bathrooms are there..." Justin was pointing in all different directions, "There is also a store." he points one more time at a giant building... "Do you guys use American dollars?" Eric stood there, anxious to explore. "Yes, we also accept trade and other things."

    Eric walks into the store to find not just clothes and food, but guns and blades, a pretty, but short woman stood at the counter, Justin walks in and whispers in Erics ear "be careful around her, she once killed someone for saying something mean about her"
    "Are you serious?" Eric wondered how such a gentle woman can do that, "What's her name?" Eric watched her fidget around with something that she seemed to conceal, maybe a gun.. "My name is sophie." she appeared out of no where, "damn I almost sh*t myself" Eric jumped when she appeared. Her and Justin just laugh.

    Eric walks into the housing, it was kinda ghettoish, but cozy, nice beds... Kinda, it was defiantly better than the cold cell back in prison. "Hey, you there, ya you come here..." Eric looks around to find where the voice was coming from, it was male, he approached the voice, it was concealed in the dark... "Wanna smoke a blunt?" it was Danzo, earlier Eric nevr saw his face, but he placed the voice with the face, he was Asian. "Might as well..." Eric lights up and inhales deeply, then him and Danzo strike up a conversation, and before he knew it, he was as high as a sr-71...
  14. *in unstead I'm, I forgot to spell check it
  15. I wanna come in more please
  16. Ok, I'll try, I have to just let it flow, or else it will suck, you will become a major character, that's all I can say