to ALL anorexic people... you KNOW that your underweight and your not fat so EAT. Guys dont like girls when they look like sticks.
Anorexia is a disease it's not something you can change just to let you know I do agree on the skinny girls need to eat no need to worry too much about your figure ladies, guys like girls with curves! (well most do) and if not stuff them they shouldn't judge I'm sure they arnt the prettiest crayon in the packet goes both ways
But if they know that they have anorexia and that they need to be cured then they need to eat. We watched "Thin" in wellness so thats where this came from
Girls are self conscious. We see these beautiful models and we want to be pretty and skinny and at times "sexy". We wanna be able to say hey, I wear size 0-1 in jeans and my shirts are smalls. We wanna wear a bikini without the flab or the muffin top. Wanting to be skinny is like a disease. Girls know they're sick but if being sick means being skinny, then whatever. As long as we feel pretty. We don't always do it for guys, we do it for ourselves too. The need and want to feel beautiful is a desire that no girl doesn't feel. It's just something you want and it's hard to just push it to the back and be happy with what you are when there are girls flaunting their small waist and flat stomachs. It isn't something you just cure. It's mental too. You have to work with the persons mind and the mind is a complex thing.
There are a bunch I'm sure. Some girls just aren't really willing to find them. Sometimes they don't even think they're Ill. They think they're fine and skinny and that everything is okey dokes.
Eh anorexia overrated..working out and watching your calories works..sometimes not all skinny girls are anorexic..I am 90 pounds and an adult, I watch myself is why..I think it's genes..hell my mum is like really small and she 35..girls need to realize that it not going to help being 50 pounds and barely surviving it sick. Watching yourself and eating regularly works..I have a friend who died from anorexia and she was pushing 78 was sick
Afro watched a documentary/movie called "Thin". If only curing anorexia was this easy. Telling an anorexic to eat is the same as telling a morbidly obese person to stop eating. It's what they should do but unfortunately life isn't that easy.
Ummmmm playful? If you are an adult and your mom is 35, how old are you? 13??? That's mot an adult (no offense) -SB
Umm the youngest you can be considered an adult is 18....soo she would had to have her when she was 17???
What is you are so skinny ppl think you are anerexic that is what happens to me i eat lots but have a very fast metabilism so i burn it off very quickly and i train and run and ppl say i am anerexic to my face
You know you go through a lot mordici is it you who has one eye? Is so hug sorry about anerexia another hug
I am magic No i was there in a chat room ages ago like for terrible storys or of some sort and you were there and i remembered your name!
Weird. My life really sucks. My eye was taken out because I had coal dust I'm my eye. People threw coal at me because of my name. I'm mental.