New Name Contest

Discussion in 'Activities' started by HiJiNXeD, Jan 24, 2014.

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  1. Ok so I am in need of a new name and I have ran out of Interesting names so I figured I would ask you to help.

    So I'm asking you to think of names that include Jinx_- and can be no longer then 27 characters long.

    The first person to post a name I like will get 100 or 250 of the next holiday gift (depending on price)
  2. Jinx_-you-owe-me-a-soda-_
  3. iLoveDonutsNBacon
  4. Jinx_-KnockOnWood
  5. Jinx_-TheGreatSphinx
  6. Jinx_-iMad_spanks_Nikoal
  7. Jinx_-ThatHoe
  8. Tellesbench wins.... That was quick
  9. Lmao congratulations. Happy gifting
  10. Well I guess ill continue the contest for a name after I get bored of my new one
  11. Jinx-_BaconButt-_-
  12. Jopos_Slave
  13. RS_Nicki_Minaj_is_Jinx_-
  14. Jinx-_Just_Got-Jinxed


    If it's super lame, then i'm sorry... ️
  15. IJinx-Ripped_off_Chuck_norris_scrotum
  16. iJinx_Evolve_Into_NickiMinaj
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