Where the **** is Waldo

Discussion in 'Activities' started by KelonLovesJustin-NOTREALLYLOL, Jan 24, 2014.

  1. Alright, I can't do it. He's just not there.

    Click this face for a different, zoomed out view> :)


  2. The bridge, from top to bottom, top of the bridge.
  3. Come on use your eyes
  4. You son of a bitch I'm colorblind
  5. Between the bushes and the tents? haha. Fun game. I miss looking for Waldo & iSpy books
  6. The top of the yellow tent
  7. Cant really see on my device, but is he the one on the far right/middle on top of the red fisherman, who is fishing in the river?
  8. I can't find my picture for this... 

    It's basically a tombstone with the name "Waldo" on it captioned:

    "Sorry it took so long to find you".
  9. Here's another. Click the face for full res, zoom-able picture :)

  10. You have to scroll left and right to look around.
  11. nope i give up
  12. In the middle on the right of the white/green thingy for the second photo. (I think)
  13. Next to the popcorn tent
  14. Put another one
  15. If you see the horses at the top, he's below them about 1cm or so.
  16. Above that green blanket in the second one.
  17. It's striped btw