I agree he is annoying,but some people are just running up behind people and farming for no,Apparent reason Just copying thinking there cool and stuff
If he is pissing you off leave his fourm and quit replying some people actully,want trouble (Not going to say any names) Just block him and be done no need for all this silly.Drama
this fella tends to get a rise out of people I see. that's his goal, and he always succeeds. try to not give him attention and sees how he reacts.
I may not be apart of ascension anymore, but trust me, he will beat the living shit out of you again
A forum is a section of topics that can have threads in it. A thread is a post on forums in a certain section. A comment is everything else commented on the thread after the Original post.
Lmao. Yea this is the 17 yr old kid who goes to bars with his mommy and beats up marines for fun. He is so badass that he put a marine in a sleeper hold in the middle of the street for 3 WHOLE MINUTES. And wat do u know.....the darn marine lived!!!!! (Unlike them tires he gangbanged on...showed them who was boss huh?)