That time again

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -NiKKiMoshes-, Jan 7, 2014.

  1. Sign me up!
  2. If im not busy i might :)
  3. Sign me up pls
  4. Fear the barcodes
  5. That barcodes guy. I bet he's laughing in his chair smelling sharpies all day.
  6. Sign me up 
  7. Your first round pick right here! Haha.
  8. Sign me up ?
  9. Yaaaaaaaaay candy taaaaaa

    Gta5 under 24 hour maintenance
  10. Sign me up  also pm me on the day 
  11. LILERV
  12. How many ppl signed up...let's draft 
  13. Okay as of now the sign ups are closed. I will be making the list so they can draft their teams. One small change, Instead of Justin, Ash(I think her name is AshBolos right now?) will be a captain along with Ant