Yooooo momma is so fat bro, I gave her a quarter and a Snickers bar popped out That wasn't funny? no? Kay I thought so
Yo mom aint got no legs talking bout lets race yo mom got one eye n one leg.call her "ihop" Ya mom so fat.she has to drink diet tap water
yo momma so HAIRY she stars in donkey kong games (this is funny if u understand it) ok yo momma so fat even kerbie couldnt eat her(for thos who dont get it well to bad
yo momma so fat every time she turns around its her birthday!(if u hide behind her u dont have to give her a present )
Yo mamma so ugly tht even goldfish crackers wouldt smile back Yo mamma so ugly hello kitty said goodbye (like come on its freakin "hello"kitty)
Yo mammas so fat she got hit by a bus and said who threw that rock She's so dumb she sold her car for gas money, don't know if those have been used yet so meh