Nice thread I won't give myself a title But feel free public to choose me one I smell alot of troll soon.
OMG, love this one so much I'm coming out of the lurker tree. This is really great, and actually is quite accurate..
Yes but it's an identify yourself thread. Stereotypes are common. Extremely common. Yes it doesn't go into the true nature of any individual I don't think any thread would have the capacity. Personality tests are even tried and true stereotypes. There's no way of getting past them really. You're welcome to make another thread candy if you wish. Don't let me stop you my own thread was a rip off.
And since it's from the viewpoint of me you're really going to only get the way I see certain people or behaviors or characteristics of people. I accept your critic. But kinda not understanding what you're saying it may be because I'm half asleep. Or just dumb. Whichever
(()) *tap, tap* Is this thing on? Nice thread Cherry. I need a category all my own. Make me one?