people that are perm silence

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_A_-Stunner, Jan 12, 2014.


    Is it something edible?
  2. Yolo... To get unsilenced

    If you feel that your silence was unfair and/or unjust, please email: and include the following information:

    •The game you play (PimD)
    •Your in-game username
    •Your question/issue/request

    Please also make sure you read the Terms of Use (ToU) and The Rules of Conduct (RoC) and learn and follow the rules to prevent a future silence. Also, read the Relaxed Silencing Rules for clarification on the new rules that are in place for some silences..

    For the case of a perm silence, you need to wait 3 months (90 days) before support will consider your appeal, asking on forums will not help you get your silence lifted.

    For information on how you should email support regarding a silence or a appeal for a perm silence click this: Guide to Contacting Support


    On a serious note.... I got silenced for "Promoting Gift spam" and I got it lifted cause we are allowed to say "Gift spam ______" so yeah lol. Zero silences on this account.
  3. ^ No fucking SHIT
  4. I'm only on 2 silences and one forum ban. No big deal 
  6. Do you want a fucking cookie, Meggy? ?
  7. ^spit 
  8. I got silenced for talking about beer. Even in ATAs more serious games, I can still talk aboit drugs, drinking, and such. But
    , oh no, not in PIMD.
    Dormmates dont drink in colleges anymore apparently.
  9. Sometimes I think the mods like to silence people for fun 
    Like a few days ago.
    I forgot the account but someone was silenced for saying "follow me and chat me"
    I understand if they ask for rp
    But chatting? Seriously? 
  10. ^ it coulda been their status.

    I'm also pretty sure (I could be wrong)

    But the mod also has to take SS or whatever of the person's post thingy (the crap that got him/her silenced) as evidence or something.
  11. I'm perm silence how can I in do it I I need to up grade but I can't talk to know one
  12. Please join me in a moment of silence for those who are permanently silence. ....Ok back to eating bacon.
  13. Mayb something they posted on a wall etc
  14. I've been silenced. I have common sense, but I like to have a laugh. And yes breaking rules on a game is funny. I'm a law abiding citizen out in the great wide world. What's even funnier mind you is the lame people on here who think this is real and get all defensive because they wouldn't dream of putting a foot wrong.
  15. I totally read that wrong. My mind is sick :(
  16. Next thing is a forum ban i wpuld watch what u say or post
  17. Laughing at all of ya postes for no reason :/
  18. I got perm silenced
  19. No thanks cookies make you fat. I'll stick to my carrots
  20. I'm silence to 2/18 I'm ready for WC