
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheSagittarian, Jan 13, 2014.

  1. Salutations readers. 

    This will be a serious thread by me. Surprise, right?

    Anyhow, this will be about when I was a child. Probably luckiest time of my life.

    This has been nagging at me recently so I thought I'd share.

    My story goes that one sunny day, my family, which only consisted of my mother, who was a single parent, my older brother (only a year older) and there was me, decided to go somewhere.

    I don't remember exactly where but we went to someone's house that we apparently know. Note that we're only around 6.

    We were visiting the house and my brother and I were being innocent little children playing and running around the house like normal children do. Mom was chatting away.

    As my brother and I enjoyed playing 007 Goldeneye on the Nintendo 64, we were playing pretend guns or whatever you call it.

    But we soon got bored of that and decides to explore the house. We went everywhere, searching everything from the kitchens drawers to the rooms shelves.

    Yes, we did get yelled at. We were just curious. We still explored though.

    But I went in this one room which was brightly colored. I opened a drawer and found a genuine weapon.

    It was a six shooter. Like a cap gun. Not cactus sure what they're called.

    Anyways, I'm not sure what got over me, but I started playing with it. The adults weren't around to scold me so I took advantage of that.

    Don't ask me how or why, but the first thing I did was put it up to my head. 

    Then I guess a voice can out I nowhere. Could've been mine or something else.

    What I heard was,

    "What if it's real?"

    Then I took the gun away from my head and an adult went into the room across from the room I was in but they didn't see me.

    So what I did next was point the gun towards them.

    Again that voice came:

    "What if it's real?"

    Having heard that a second time, I decided to point it upwards like I was a referee to a race or something.

    No voice came this time.

    I said, "On your marks, get set, Go!"
    And pulled the trigger.

    There was a loud bang that only lasted a second and there were a couple screams that could be heard.

    The next thing I knew, the weapon was taken away from me and my mom was there asking if I was alright and scolding me.

    Room was crowded.

    Then we left.

    And that's all I remember. 

    So I'm trying to figure out if I was lucky Leif something else prevented me from doing something I could possibly regret.

    Thoughts please.

    Sketchy details are sketchy.
  2. Science Saved your life.

  3. ……… you might be doing something in your life that making you ask the question: is it real?
  4. It could be many things.

    I'm calling you right now though
  5. This is my sexy tut
  6. *hangs up before you answer* HAHA JK
  7. Oh my god what if you shot them or yourself oh my god who lets their kid snoop through everything I would've had to stay in eyeshot at all times
  8. Dawn, I'm not at home
  9. Angel, I was hooligan
  10. I would say lucky
  11. Ew who's that bajan Canadian guy. He sounds so nerdy
  12. Your blessed Jester to be alive. Wasnt your time to go so soon.
  13. "Not cactus sure what they're called."


    Meant to be exactly* and not cactus.

    Damn cactus' be getting in my sentences and replacing my words.
  14. You're watching Pursten too much.
  15. ?Murder suicide at age six
  16. Goldeneye was my stuff
  17. That was me. You're welcome
  18. This was a really interesting story. It drives me crazy when people don't lock up their guns  assuming it was real.