Look at this thread if you want Feels

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by MrJester, Jan 13, 2014.

  1. [​IMG]

    So deep.. I can't even see myself anymore.
  2. 
  3. I always feel that way when leaving a store and the cashier says "Have a good day." Or something like that and all I can think is, I'm probably not going to see you in the rest of my life. "Have a good life..." 
  4. I like this thread alot! I do think about that actually.
  5. No you're all figments of my imagination
  6. I have this moment a lot. Lol, your probably say I'm a but of a 'Dreamer'
  7. On the other hand..

    I'm like "Why don't I know everything about this person!?! WHAT AM I DOING WITH LIFE. I HAVE TO KNOW NOW."

  8. How does one life?
  9. ^ not everyone can life.
  10. omg!! yes exactly, its like ur my soul mate :O
    and when pple leave pimd that i never met im like no! u must stay so i can get to know u! so many lives of pple that have loved and lived and been missed and ill never know and....whoa thats enough feelings ill go home now :| lmfao
  11. I life so hard. And I went through this in middle school. Jesus Christ, that was a depressing couple of years.