Salutations! I am Jester! Surprise! Wait. This isn't my alt. Oops. The end. Just kidding. In any case, I would like to propose. Not to you, of course. But to forums. Well, everyone in forums. So.. Then I am technically proposing to you. But my proposition is this: As the title suggests or as I would like to put it, "Ruining the surprise", I would like to write some collaboration threads with people. I don't always have to be the one to post it though. But the idea is to have maybe one or more people with the maximum possibly being four or five. We basically go on the interwebs and do research on what we want to write about. It could be anything from potatoes to mashed potatoes and everything in between. Then, we can give each other our notes about what we're writing about and edit it a little and post it. Something like that. I can provide pictures. But yes, hopefully you get the idea. Informative, quality and fun. For the whole forums. That is what is like to do. If I missed anything, feel free to negatively judge me and call me out and I'll see what I can do.
So... If I get it right.... Then topic one day is about Bigfoot. So these 4-5 people do their research on Bigfoot and post their findings and what they learned? Sounds interesting, depending on topic.