
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Delinked, Jan 8, 2014.

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  1. That's half the fun
  2. Now it's a party.

    Yo, Cap'n, it's a convo thread now. Relaxxxx don't do itttt
  3. Tis what makes it fun, captain.
  4. EXXY!

    Wells! Reason.
    Every person involved in the argument?
  5. It isn't an argument if your points are based on emotion.
  6. AZZY 

    I chuckle every time I type that
  7. I call my friend Azzy.

    Yo exxy. When in the HELL did you leave A51
  8. See you soon logan 
  9. But it can be an argument. Not a very sound one, but it is an argument. But definitely not a discussion. Or intellectual conversation.

    Why? My name is not giggle-worthy.  >.>
  10. When will people learn to not bite back in this game
  11. Cause A51 sucks now 
  12. It's very giggle worthy ;)
  13. An argument based on emotion is a reaction.
    It isn't strong and serves no point because only you share that feeling.
  14. That will always happen [​IMG]
  15. True but that only happened because I left 
  16. And he rests funny that after i found out who he really was don't ask me i won't tell you
  17. What are you even talking about?
  18. When people stop naming themselves after food.

    We have different definitions of giggle-worthy things 

    It's a reaction. Is part of an argument, leads to an argument, is an argument. Yes?
  19. Oh the correction made that a bit better.
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